Sunday, January 30, 2011


Chill white fingers
Frigid joints
Aching feet 
Frozen from the floor to my hips.

Shivering spine
Glacial bones
Icy breath 
Searching for the thaw.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Moments of Clarity

I had a poem in my head and it disappeared.
Oh yea,
The one about the professor and his wife.

They lived lives
As we all do
Marriage, babies, and work

She was different though
Too alert
Different, but not sure how

She was a good mother
Good wife
The day her youngest bird
Left her feathered nest
Her sanity moved on too

She was unable to be contained
In the home she shared
With the professor

Desperate flight
Starry night

No home to hold her
He missed her
Worried he sought her
Medication failed her
Strangers raped her
He loved her

Still she could not stay
He left also
Following his bride
From town to town

Carrying two burdens for his trouble
Years melt away
There, see the couple in the café
She distant, he holds her hand

They both smell crazy now
A ripe, old, feral scent
Of onions and unwashed clothes
Of places best forgotten

Twin tanned faces
Framed by wild white manes
His face creased with both their concern
Hers remarkably smooth and blank

He tells his story
Of love.
I hear a tale
Of love lost

Driving home
From my menial job
As the sun set
I see them

Dancing through a park
She is alert and happy
In the golden light
He knew
To wait
For her fleeting moment of clarity.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

In the Land of Plenty

In the Land of Plenty
food will grow on trees
a little effort will yield bounty
hard work will go a long way

In the Land of Plenty
education will be available to all
books can be read for free
art visible on our city streets

If we find this land, this oasis
I can only imagine
the gratitude
the kindness
the love
it would inspire...

If only we can find it... if only... if only...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Italian Plum

Small and perfect
Italian Plum
Almost black
Your purple is so deep.

Yellow flesh
Fiberous veins
under dark skin
a center like a brown blind eye.

Cape Disapointment

In the joyous morning
Bird song and laughter fills the air
Children scattered, pine scents

Whomphhh breaks the noisy silence.
I swallow my heart.

Screams - my own echoing my mother's senseless siren tones
"Get her out...get her out" a mantra streaming from my screaming lips
directed at the sharp orange flames that fill my entire vision.

Running the steps to her flaming tomb my father a moment ahead.
Heat ripping the air around my face
for one breathless second before they appear.

Aflame and shocked.
I stike them to the ground.
Instinct takes over in frantic effort
Remove the blue flames.

They flee seeking healing and safety.
What next?
Remove explosives, remove the children,
minimize damage, sooth the family,
carry on, carry on, carry on,
then sleep.

Months later when I least expect it,
my mind hears it and I swallow my heart again.
An echo of a defining moment
heard only by myself-

Whomphh. The world flashes orange.

Blood on Butter

Crisp jewel-like days
shimmering and spicy

Deep red and pear yellow
Blood on butter

Richer, clearer, dramatic
is Autumn

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Clear perfection
Wonder of the Universe
Flowing freely from my tap.

Many fight for you
Many die for you
Many die without you.

You propel us
illuminate us
drown us
cleanse us of filth

You flow from the mountains
to the streams, joyful
to the rivers, swift
to the lakes, serene
to me